Since when did Rex Tillerson develop the expertise to
comment on the welfare of humanity, or people’s health and well-being?
The very fact that he sees no connection between environmental
destruction brought on by oil production today and in the future and people’s health is one thing but the fact that he believes that
he is well-positioned, as an executive of an oil and gas company, to publicly
comment on the “well-being” of people is another and, in my view, astounding.
A quick glance at his credentials, Mr. Tillerson earned a
Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from the University of Texas at Austin
in 1975, at which time he started at Exxon as an engineer. According to Wikipedia, Mr. Tillerson held
various positions in Exxon, domestically and internationally until becoming
Executive Vice President of ExxonMobil Development Company in 1999. He was elected chairman and CEO on January 1st,
2006. I was unable to find any background information
on Tillerson that would lead one to suggest that his views on what is good or
bad for humanity should be taken seriously and/or is backed by a trail of work and
sound science that would permit him to make such judgments.
Tillersman’s comments are particularly striking for a number
of reasons but for the sake of space, I'll focus on one. Notice the assumption
that what's best for humanity is an unfettered flow of oil. This is a loaded statement because it
overlooks any ability on the public’s part to innovate outside of oil and
suggests that if we don’t allow oil to continue unabated, we’ll de-evolve to our
caves. The hypocrisy is so vivid when
you consider that in the same article Tillersman talks about our ability to
adapt when he says “or do you want to talk about what’s the path we should be
on and how do we mitigate and prepare for the consequences as they present
Just a week or so ago, Seth Kursman, VP of communications,
sustainability and government affairs at Canadian softwood lumber company
Resolute explained,
in reaction to the failed talks with environmental groups, that environmentalist
demands “would have affected thousands of people’s lives”, adding. “for us to
accept that, it would not only be inappropriate, it would be downright
irresponsible”. He expressed his
disappointment that a workable plan could not be reached that would balance
conservation efforts with social and economic considerations. Since
when did a softwood lumber company develop the expertise to comment on the what
does or does not represent social and economic value to a community? I'm struggling to understand how expertise in lumber production is transferable to expertise on socio-economic welfare. Am I missing something?
Canada’s Ezra Levant, along with a number of oil sands
executives and conservative pundits such as Kathryn Marshall (spokesperson for
EthicalOrg.com), constantly
argue for the importance of exploiting the oil sands because it is the ethical
oil source. They argue that doing so
would represent an opportunity to combat tyrannical governments, oppression,
and human rights abuses that tend to pervade in those regions where oil tends
to exist. Since when did oil and gas
companies and their puppets become experts on developing country governments
and human rights? As I mention in a previous
post, Kathryn Marshall shows her deep concern that President Barack Obama has not
kept his promise to the American public to wean the US off of oil coming from
the Middle East. To justify her ends,
she points to the president’s broken promises to his people, the government's complicity
in supporting despotic regimes, and his failure to look out for the country’s best
interests. How sincere of Marshall. I didn’t know that the spokesperson for
Ethicaloil.org had such expertise in US politics and knowledge of the American people.
Likewise, in July of 2010, Pierre Duhaime, the now shamed
former CEO of SNC-Lavalin, explained in an article
that the exploitation of the oil sands is critical because it is a “major
contributor to employment, investment and income”. He added that the government revenue of $19.6
billion gained from oil sands production in a given year “can pay for the
schools, hospitals, roads and services that sustain our living standard”. Since when does an executive in the oil and
gas supply chain have the expertise to comment on employment, investment and
income at a national level? And are you
Mr. Duhaime well positioned to comment on our living standard? I don’t see anything in your CV to suggest
that you have expertise in providing views on what living standard we should be
aiming for, let alone sustaining.
Of course, I haven’t yet mentioned the obvious conflict of
interest screaming out to those reading these views. What’s most disturbing is the façade these
influential people exhibit, a façade that disguises the real objective to
increase production of the finite natural resources to enhance their bottom
line, salary, and bonus.
Because they know how the public will react to such a self-serving
objective, they need to translate this desire into something that resonates
with the public, even though they are not at all qualified to make such claims. I feel sorry for these people because they have
to resort to making spurious connections between their core
business/expertise/interest with the public interest to self-justify their own
individual interests. But that’s just it, because these public ends (e.g.
health care, well-being) are so disconnected from the means of their core business,
they completely miss the fact that there are multiple ways in which to achieve
these ends, thereby overlooking the self-fulfilling prophecy they’ve just
The unwarranted claiming of expertise is not limited to business. Scientists and environmental
activists have also been known to put forth views on topics on which they have
no expertise. Bill McKibbon, a well-known
Canadian environmentalist, talked
about how oil sands development is "starting to do real damage to the country’s
character”. He added that “Indigenous
groups have explained over and over that the tar sands are damaging traditional
ways of life, not to mention life and health”.
I’m sorry Mr. McKibbon, since when were you qualified to make claims
about Canada’s character? If you’re not
qualified to do so as an environmental scientist, which I doubt you are, on what empirical basis are you able to make these claims? Do you have evidence that Canada's character is being damaged by this industrial development? Likewise, climatologists too often push the limits of
their expertise when they get into discussions of the need for certain kinds of
renewable energy such as Andrew Weaver’s view that we should focus on nuclear
energy to simply move away from coal based on his notion that because renewables
are far from mainstream commercial viability, nuclear is the best way to go
despite the non-carbon implications. Why
is the media giving a climatologist the public platform through which to
comment on energy policy?
It’s downright insulting in my view to listen to these
influential individuals - that the media unfortunately props up - put forth views without
the backing of any credible competence or reference to empirical research in
the area upon which they base their view.
Their perceived power makes it difficult for the layperson to step back
and question whether these individuals have any right or competence to make
comments in this regard.
Thanks for highlighting the Tillerson comment! Really makes one think - almost seems like the basis for a Talmudic or philosophical discussion. Like a Zen koan - makes no logical sense.
ReplyDelete- Maya